I am a data scientist product manager
machine learning engineer human being.
I'm very interested in the potential of technology to increase economic opportunity. While I've been taking a break from public writing, you can find my existing writing here.
Ideas of interest
I'm something of a generalist by nature, but I seem to return to some evergreen ideas repeatedly. I'll break these out into essays eventually. A short list:
- Conway's Law
- Collective action problems, including prisoners' dilemmas and free rider problems
- Bounded rationality
- Brokerage in networks and structural holes
- Mimetic isomorphism, especially as it relates to tech company practices
- Most pulished research findings are false
- Selection on the dependent variable is endemic
Guiding topics
Beyond that, most of my reading and learning interests fall into the following buckets:
- Progress studies
- Responsible but rapid innovation in ML and AI
- Responsible AI ∩ Progress studies
- Institutional analysis, backlash effects, and policy feedback
- Building the future faster
- The abundance agenda
- Supply-side progressivism
- Up-wing politics